Friday, December 31, 2010

Impressions on The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (SPOILERS)

I received one-half of Darian's Christmas present the other day: my own, personal copy of "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya".

In preparation for my scathing review of my own work directly based in it (see my other blog post, my Tumblr account, or my deviantART page for details), I decided to give it a re-read.

That, and I thought it was amazing when I read it originally via Baka-Tsuki.

Now, having torn through it in a span of several hours, I am going to devote this space to my impressions of Disappearance, both on its face and through the eyes of the Darian Hunter Files and its continuity.

First off, the second reading was every bit as enjoyable as the first. The "talking without quotes" style is still hard to interpret as to when Kyon is talking or when he's expositing, but I worked my way through. The story was still stellar and the contrasts between the alt-characters, as well as the similarities, are written very well.

The next thing I noticed is that I completely forgot about Human-Nagto inviting Kyon back to her place. (cue bad 70's porn music) I'll get back to this in the next section.

Also, I got the date wrong. Nagato does her business on Dec 18, not Dec 17. That'll teach me to rely on Wikipedia…

Finally, there were some marked differences between the Baka-Tsuki version and the official translation: the first was his noticing Yuki's emotions was at the end in the Baka-Tsuki version, but in the official version, he noted it just before he shot her with the Plot Device. Also, his speech to the Overmind at the end was a bit different. I'm not sure I like the official version being more of a snide, cocky retort. The Baka-Tsuki version I recall being more of an angry, defiant gesture, more a warning than a middle-finger, which is what the official version felt like.

To me; YMMV.

Now, my impressions of Disappearance as it pertains to the story told in Arrogance and Visions:

First, my idea about why Nagato altered the time plane to begin with was pretty much spot-on. Kyon attributing it to emotions and wanting to live in a "normal world" were based on incomplete information. It was semi-accurate, but not completely.

I mean, how she acted around him, still giving him the application even though he pushed her against a wall and basically browbeat her. The fact she invited her to his apartment having only met him once before in the altered history.

The factors Darian pointed out: Suzumiya's no-show, Mikuru's forgetting (and subsequent decking) of him, and Yuki's being more human were all on display as well, just as I remembered them - except Mikuru was still shy and waifish. But, still, the Mikuru we know would never deck anyone, so that alone makes her a badass in my book, at least.

Next, the escape program: in the interpretation of events I have set forth, it is likely that Yuki(true) set that up to allow Kyon a choice. She would never force him to be with her. But she wanted him to look at what she was offering him: no aggravating Suzumiya, no exploiting Mikuru, no SOS Brigade to consume his life…

…and her, exactly as, she believed, he wanted her to be. She hoped that by seeing her as she made herself to be, he would choose her over his previous life.

He didn't.

Plus, I was also unaware that Nagato removed Suzumiya's ability to manipulate reality. I assume she used enough PE(Possibility Energy) from the Heart to make the necessary alterations, then drained the rest somewhere. Perhaps into Asakura; that would make sense if she resurrected her to be her guardian.

Of course, she couldn't destroy the Device at all, even WITH the power of the Heart, so all she could do was drain it, meaning that the Device was intact, but inert, leaving the Device-Suzumiya's pathology intact.

So, yeah, a re-read of Disappearance was eye-opening, but even going mostly by memory, I seem to have nailed the backstory pretty well.

Now, I think I'm ready to tackle my story from a more cynical standpoint.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

West End Games finally pulls the plug

This is old news, I know, but due to my personal inactivity, I was unaware of the final nail being driven into West End Games' already caulked, sealed, and buried five-and-a-half feet under coffin:

None of the other crap about Septimus, D6, or any other of West End's line is as important to me as TORG, of course, which was sold to a German company, Ulisses Spiele ( - It's in German, so a translator may do you well), which as of now has no mention of TORG anywhere. To me, this means a solemn goodbye to my second favorite game setting.

Will this stop me from my quest to revive my own TORG campaign? Hells, no! It will be sad to see no official second edition or re-release of the main line, but whatcha gonna do?

Oh, my favorite setting? Earthdawn.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Welcome to Malleable Reality

(Before we start, I want it to be known that I came up with this name having never heard the Jason Mraz song. It actually came from a Mage: the Ascension fiction I wrote many, many years ago.

Now that that's out of the way...)

Welcome to Malleable Reality!

This blog and its associated podcast are dedicated to and produced for those who like to change the reality they associate with by reading, writing, or storytelling a new one over the top of it. Readers, writers, and game masters alike will find something worthwhile here.

I will link articles that catch my eye about fiction, writing, and role playing here and, of course, will offer my several cents' worth on them. I will also post my own personal adventures in writing, be it my fiction or my attempts to restart my flagging roleplaying game life. Chief among these, for now, is my attempt to resurrect TORG and converting it to the Savage Worlds rules. I will post my successes and failures in such here, along with the insights I come up with during this journey.

I'll try not to bore you too much with my failed attempts at novel writing, mainly because that's on the back burner for the time being. But replacing it will be...

[trumpet fanfare]THE MALLEABLE REALITY PODCAAAAAAST!!!!![/trumpet fanfare]

Yes, I will be doing a podcast! Will it be regular? Who knows? but I'll shoot for once every other week for now, and if I get into a groove, move it up from there. The contents of the podcast will be include gaming news, writing news, and sharing experiences from my years of gaming and gamemastering.

Will I have guests? Woah, Silver. Let's get established first. Besides, I need to learn how to record Skype calls before that happens.

Anyway, this is the virtual bottle of champagne christening this ball of wax. Let's hope this ship goes somewhere!

For now, though, Power Off!