There comes a time in one's life as a gamer - table-top, console, PC, what have you - when they see a circumstance unfold that is so unbelievably ridiculous that words fail.
And then, there are times when they see something so complex, convoluted, and needlessly complex - upward of Rube Goldberg-level fuckery - that their mind just wraps itself into a Mรถbius strip trying to figure out why someone would go to so much effort for so little gain.
And then... you have Devil Survivor.
Not the game as a whole, mind you. It's a bit far-fetched, but most of its metaphysics and mythoi are explained with enough detail and enthusiasm to spur suspension of disbelief.
But there is one aspect of the game that takes the above two concepts, twists them into an unrecognizable clump, dips said clump in Flubber, puts it into a pitching machine, and launches it full-force at its own head.
If you have not played DS: Overclocked, and would like to be surprised, read no further, because there are HUGE plot spoilers below the break.